Latest Issue

Vol. 5 No. 3: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies

(March Issue, 2023)

Published: 01-03-2023

Research Article

Factors Affecting Labor Force Participation Decision in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study Using Microdata

Wasik Sajid Khan

Investigating Language Learning Strategies Used Among Afghan Post Graduate TESL Students When Reading Academic Texts

Ziaurrahman Zaheer, Abdul Jalil Hashimi

Social Clock and Social Sun as Adaptive Strategies of Human Behavior Without Time Cues and Sunlight in an Underground Environment

Carole Tafforin, Christian Clot, Jérémy Roumian

International New Media Accounts on China Content Characteristics

Qianqian Guo, Zhuoyi Han, Yilei Ye

Agenda Setting in Media Coverage of Natural Disaster Exogenous Events: The 9.5 Sichuan Ganzi Luding Earthquake as an Example

Xinyue Yang, Zele Zhang

Discussion on the Scientific Research Cooperation Network of Local Colleges and Universities -- Based on the Perspective of Knowledge Governance

Xiaoqin Zhang

Nation Building Elements in Afghanistan

Ekramuddin Khurasani

Study on the Protection and Transmission of Oral Folk Literature of Oroqen People

Yunfan Wang, Zixin Zhang, Wenlei Wu

Two Ways: The Comprehensive Views on Protection Strategies to Tibetan Plateau

Weizhe Li

Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Official Media Coverage and Self-Media Communication of a Friction Event in Tangshan, China Based on Framing Theory

Yushu Zhu, Jiaxin Hu

A Study on the Dilemma of People's Legal Awareness Caused by the Communication of Public Crisis Events in the Social Media Era: The Beating Incident in Tangshan as an Example

Xintong Cai, Tingyi Zhang

Sex Education in Chinese Families with Teenager from the Perspective of Satir’s Iceberg Theory

Jiajia Luo, Danni Fan

Investigating the concept of the East in Orientalism Discourse

Abdul Khaliq Noori

Unconventional Tools of the Central Bank of Algeria as a Model

Bassem Hassen Ismail, Mohamed Emad

Aircraft Accident Provisions in Islamic Jurisprudence

Muhammad Wali Hanif