Latest Issue

Vol. 2 No. 2: Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Studies

(July-December Issue)

Published: 2021-07-25

Research Article

Population Estimation of An Invasive Alien Species, Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868) in Lido Lake, Indonesia

Chandra W. Wicaksono, Ali Mashar, Yusli Wardiatno

Use of Body Linear Measurements to Estimate Live Weight in Communal Beef Cattle

Soul Washaya, Wesly Bvirwa, Godfrey Nyamushamba

Assessment of Physico-chemical, Microbial and Phytotoxic Changes of Various Organic Wastes During their Composting Process

Fakher Ayed, Olfa Boussadia, Hanem Grissa, Rania Aydi Ben Abdallah, ...

Coffee Business Development Index Analysis Arabica (Coffea Arabica) in Purba District, Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra Province

MEI LINDA SIPAYUNG, Theodora MV Nainggolan, Tiurmaida Nainggolan

Effect of Soil Contamination with Crude Petroleum on Cowpea: An Insight into the Prospects of Crop Production in Nigerian Frontier Basins

Haruna Yahaya Ismail, Ahmad Ali Farouq, Abdullahi Bako Rabah, Aminu Ba...

An Integrated Assessment of Community Ecological Based Adaptation (CEBA) Options in Agriculture for Climate Change Adaptation, Resilience Building and Sustainability in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Central Zambia

Stephen Chitengi Sakapaji

Characteristics of Liquid Smoke of Red Fruit (Pandanus conoideus. L.) Waste with Pyrolysis Method and Potentially as Biopesticide

Fransisca Christina Dewi, Sumiyati Tuhuteru, Andi Aladin, Dan Setiyawa...

Diversity of Vegetation in The Natural Forests of Londut Samosir Regency

Marulam MT Simarmata

Contribution to Developing an Environmental Emergency Response for Industrial Sites

ADAM ABDELJALIL, Saffaj Nabil, Mamouni Rachid

The Use of Artificial Neural Network and Advanced Statistics to Model Sediment Yield on a Large Scale: Example of Morocco

Abdelali Gourfi, Lahcen Daoudi, Abdelhafid El Alaoui El fels, Abdellat...

Analysis of Lettuce (Lactuva Sativa L) Farming Efficiency, Jaranguda Village, Merdeka District, Karo Regency

ASMINA HERAWATY SINAGA, Rosmalina Sinaga, Rosmaria Girsang

IoT Technologies Application and Effect on Urban Infrastructure: Intelligent Waste Management, Energy Efficiency, and Traffic Management

Barna Biswas, MD Ahsan Ullah Imran, Mustakim Bin Aziz, Syeda Kamari No...