Article contents
Diversity of Vegetation in The Natural Forests of Londut Samosir Regency
Londut protected forest contains mixed forest vegetation in the form of natural forest vegetation and there is forest vegetation of former industrial plant forest management, as well as natural tusam vegetation (Pinusmerkusii), also has the privilege of existing conditions that still have natural biodiversity in the form of natural tropical forest vegetation. The research aims to find out the variation and dominance of the type of forest vegetation contained in the area, so that initial information will be obtained in the framework of planning and management of the area. The implementation of research is carried out by the determination of plot methods, and the creation of inventory plots, the creation of inventory plots according to growth rate, inventory path, measurement of vegetation dimensions, and identification. The inventory plot method is carried out with a net system (nested sampling) with an inventory path length of 500 m with a repeat of 5 lanes whose placement is evenly spread over the Londut forest area to get representation. The results showed 31 types of vegetation growing in the region. Based on the diversity of types included in the moderate category as well as the value of the level of the type in the low class. The dominance of vegetation types at the level of seedlings, stake, and poles is occupied by hosting vegetation types (Quercus sp) with magnitudes of 25.90%, 33.94%, and 37.61% respectively. For the level of trees dominated by the type of Tusam (Pinusmerkussii) 57.71%.
Article information
Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Studies
Volume (Issue)
2 (2)
Open access

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