Research Article

Characteristics of Liquid Smoke of Red Fruit (Pandanus conoideus. L.) Waste with Pyrolysis Method and Potentially as Biopesticide


  • Fransisca Christina Dewi Agricultural lecturer, Petra Baliem Wamena College of Agricultural Sciences, Sanger Street Potikelek, Wamena, Papua 99511, Indonesia
  • Sumiyati Tuhuteru Agricultural lecturer, Petra Baliem Wamena College of Agricultural Sciences, Sanger Street Potikelek, Wamena, Papua 99511, Indonesia
  • Andi Aladin Chemical Engineering lecturer, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Muslim Indonesia, UMI, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 90231, Indonesia
  • Dan Setiyawati Yani Chemical Engineering lecturer, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Muslim Indonesia, UMI, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 90231, Indonesia


This study aims to determine the yield and quality of liquid smoke in the form of pH values, acid levels, and phenol levels from the burning of red fruit seed waste as raw material for grade 3 liquid smoke using pyrolysis equipment. Liquid smoke is used as an alternative food preservative and flavor enhancer that it can use in the food processing industry to minimize the use of harmful preservatives such as formalin. But it also can be used as a biopesticide in agriculture so that it becomes an alternative to chemical pesticides in controlling pests. It was researched at the Research Laboratory of the Chemical Engineering Department FTI UMI Makassar in July 2020 and the Agrotechnology Laboratory of the Petra Baliem Wamena Agricultural Science College in April 2021. The research activity began by making grade 3 liquid smoke because liquid smoke can be used as a biopesticide at this level. Then proceed with the analysis of the chemical and physical content of liquid smoke. The research method used was an experimental method with six replications on the amount of red fruit seed waste 500 g, 1000 g, and 1500 g. The pyrolysis process was carried out at temperatures ranging from 300-400ºC for 180 minutes. The results of the observations from the tests carried out showed that the liquid smoke of red fruit seed waste produced was more in the weight or quantity of red fruit seed waste 1000 g was BM2 treatment which had a pH value of 3.35, the acid content of 14.20%, total phenol content of 4.91%, quite brown. Thick and smells like liquid smoke. The high levels of acid ranging from 13.73-14.20% and high levels of phenol ranging from 4.91-5.11% compared to previous studies with raw materials for liquid smoke of rice husks, coconut shells, and organic waste, made the liquid smoke of red fruit seed waste as a biopesticide with repellant and anti-inflammatory properties. Insects ate them because acids and phenols can provide an aromatic that insects do not like.

Article information


Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Studies

Volume (Issue)

2 (2)





How to Cite

Dewi, F. C., Tuhuteru, S., Aladin, A., & Yani, D. S. (2021). Characteristics of Liquid Smoke of Red Fruit (Pandanus conoideus. L.) Waste with Pyrolysis Method and Potentially as Biopesticide. Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Studies, 2(2), 81-86.







Liquid smoke, red fruit, pyrolysis