Research Article

Presentation as One of The Best Models for Teaching Speaking


  • M. Budiyanto Lecturer, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta – Central Java - Indonesia
  • Kamsidjo Budi Utomo Lecturer, Semarang State University – Central Java - Indonesia
  • RM. Teguh Supriyanto Lecturer, Semarang State University – Central Java - Indonesia


The aim of the research is to show that presentation is one of the best models for teaching speaking for accounting education students. This research and development study consists of exploration, designing model draft, validating model, experts jugment, revising model, implementing model, data description, data analysis, findings and discussion, recommendation, revising, the final model and dissemination. Technique of data collection was obtained by using test, interview, observation and documentation; Technique of data analyze for quantitative data used non independent t-test. To analyze the qualitative data, the researcher used trianggulation and flow model of analysis. The research results showed that: 1. The first model improves the students’ bravery to speak up in front of the audience and make a better condition of the students’ speaking environment. 2. The second model results showed that the development of the students’ speaking ability grew up rapidly and their grammar and vocabulary also getting better. 3. The Final Model makes very clear improvement on their bravery to speak up in front of the audience. Their learning progress and speaking ability grow up rapidly, their grammar and vocabulary also increased significantly. The computation result showed that all of the results is higher than tt (2,02). It showed that Developing a model of teaching speaking through presentation is good, suitable and accurate for teaching and improving the Accounting Education Students’ Speaking Ability of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta is proved correct and significant.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

3 (8)





How to Cite

Budiyanto, M. ., Utomo, K. B. ., & Supriyanto, R. T. . (2020). Presentation as One of The Best Models for Teaching Speaking. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 3(8), 179-189.







Designing, model, presentation, speaking, teaching