Research Article

Character Education Approach and Actualization at Early Childhood Education Programs: A Study on Inclusive PAUD Organizers in Yogyakarta City


  • Tri Mulat Islamic Studies Study Program PIAUD Concentration, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Maragustam Siregar Professor/Lecturer, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Ro’fah Ro’fah Professor/Lecturer, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Character Education Approach and Actualization in PAUD (Study on Inclusive PAUD Organizers in Yogyakarta City). Dissertation: Early Childhood Islamic Education (PIAUD) Concentration Doctoral Program of UIN Sunan Kalijaga. This research is qualitative, taking the background of PAUD organizers in Yogyakarta. Data were collected by conducting observations, interviews, and documentation. The research approach uses a phenomenological approach. Data analysis gives meaning to the data collected, and conclusions are drawn from that meaning. First, the study results show that the character education approach in institutions is carried out using a micro, meso, and macro approach. The micro approach covers critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and value facilitation. The meso approach covers inculcation value, environment value, and community value. The macro approach includes the realm of moral values (exemplary teachers and parents) and religious behaviour. Second: The actualization of character education in the Pedagogia UNY Kindergarten and the Pelangi Anak Indonesia Islamic Kindergarten is mainly given by example and habituation. Character education includes 18 pillars of character education following the provisions of the Ministry of National Education, specifically: religious, honest, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creativity, independence, democratic, curiosity, national spirit and love for the homeland, respect for achievement, friendly/communicative, love peace, likes to read, cares about the environment, cares about social, and is responsible. Third: The actualization of character education can be classified into three, specifically: self-awareness (moral knowing), a sense of responsibility for oneself and others (moral feeling), and prosocial behaviour (moral action). Self-awareness actualization includes religious character, honesty, independence, discipline, hard work, and creativity. Actualization of a sense of responsibility for oneself and others includes tolerance for others, love of peace, curiosity, responsibility, love of reading, and love for the homeland. Actualizing prosocial behaviour includes being friendly, democratic, appreciating achievements, caring for the surrounding environment, and caring for social and national spirit. Fourth: The stage for the actualization of character education in PAUD can be classified into three levels, specifically: first-level character, middle-level character, and top-level character. At the first level, the character of the realm of self-awareness, a sense of responsibility for oneself and others, and prosocial behaviour has not been able to be absorbed and appropriately applied by students in daily activities. At the middle level, the characters in the realm of self-awareness, a sense of responsibility for themselves and others, and prosocial behaviour have been well absorbed by students, but in applying them in daily behaviour, they still need the guidance of others. At the top level, the character of the realm of self-awareness, a sense of responsibility for oneself and others, and prosocial behaviour have been absorbed and applied well by students in daily activities and does not need guidance from others.

Article information


Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices

Volume (Issue)

4 (2)





How to Cite

Mulat, T., Siregar , M. ., & Ro’fah, R. (2022). Character Education Approach and Actualization at Early Childhood Education Programs: A Study on Inclusive PAUD Organizers in Yogyakarta City. Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices , 4(2), 18-27.


Character, Actualization, Approach