Call for Papers

| Submit your paper today!

The Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices (JWEEP) cordially invites scholars, academicians and researchers from all over the world to submit their unpublished original work for inclusion in our next publication issue (Vol 7, No 1, January-April Issue, 2025). Acceptable themes include, but are not limited to, the following:

Origins of language, Signs & Symbols, Child’s Acquisition of Language, Language Change and History, including Etymology, Word Structure, Sentence Structure, The Notion of Correctness, The Sounds of Language, Transcriptions, Spoken & Written Modes, Discourse Analysis and Unscripted Conversation, Scripted Interview, Prompted Speech, Dialects, Register and Appropriateness, Tenor and Domain, Identifying an unknown text , Specific Domains, Literature & Figurative Language, TV and Radio, Newspapers, Advertising, Propaganda, Rhetoric, Plain English & Gobbledygook, Editing and writing in style, Sexism and Genderlect, Political Correctness, Racism, Research Linguistics: Computational Linguistics, Comparative Linguistics, Contrastive Linguistics, Corpus Linguistics, Dialectology, Etymology, Forensic Linguistics, Grammar, Historical linguistics, Inter-linguistics, Language Didactics, Language learning, Language teaching, Language for Specific Purposes, Lexicology, Linguistic Statistics, Linguistic Typology, Morphology, Neurolinguistics, Orthography, Phonetics, Phonology, Pragmatics, Psycholinguistics, Rhetoric, Semantics, Sociolinguistics, Stylistics, Text Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics, Corpus Linguistics, Critical Discourse Analysis, Stylistics, ESL (English as a Second Language), EFL (English as a Foreign Language), TESOL (Teaching English to the Speakers of other Languages), Bilingualism, Second Language Acquisition, Foreign Language Acquisition, English Language Teaching and Learning For Specific Purpose, Cultural Studies, Comparative Literature, Translation, Literary, Critical and Cultural Theories. It also covers critical evaluation and appraisal of different literary pieces from all eras of English Literature. Articles on theoretical, historical developments, comparative and correlational studies, case studies of transnational language linkages, empirical analyses, commentaries, and short communication are accepted for publication. Book Reviews for new arrivals are also accepted. It also publishes both theoretical and empirical articles and case studies relating to teaching & education, Higher education, e-learning, Distance Education, Curriculum, Pedagogy, Reading Comprehension, Philosophies of education, Vocational education, Educational psychology, Special education, Institutional management and performance, Child development, Multicultural Studies, Social Theory and Educational approaches and related disciplines.

| Submission Guidelines Highlights

1- The submitted article must not have been previously published, nor should it be under consideration for publication anywhere else, while under review for this journal.
2- The author guidelines must be followed.
3- Submit the full version of the manuscript in English. 
4- Citations in the text should follow the referencing style used by the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition. The references should be arranged alphabetically and the references section should be placed at the end of the manuscript. Please ensure you check all your citations for completeness, accuracy and consistency.
5- The submitted article must be provided in Microsoft Word format only.
6- Authors are kindly invited to submit their formatted full papers, including research results, tables, figures and references.

| Article Structure

There is a generally accepted and widely followed structure for a standard research article in academic journals. While variations can occur based on the type of article (e.g., original research, book review, review article, discussion note, case study) and the specific guidelines of a particular journal, the following structure is commonly used:

1- Title
2- List of authors, their affiliations and email addresses
3- Keywords
4- Abstract
5- Introduction
6- Literature review
7- Methodology
8- Results/Findings
9- Conclusion
10- Statements and Declarations
11- References

| Manuscript Submission

Manuscripts are accepted on a continuous basis, and there is no deadline for submission. If you are interested in submitting your manuscript, please submit it using the journal online system or send it via email at: For guidance on submissions or further information, please contact the Editor. 

Kindly visit the journal homepage for aims and scope, editorial board listing, abstracting/indexing services list, and other information.