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The Acceptability Level of Rabbit Meat as an Alternative Meat used in Kapampangan Dishes
This research aims to look at the acceptability level among the respondents on Rabbit meat as an alternative meat for processed and meat products such as Tocino, Sisig, and Morcon and its implication to the Market Success of Products among selected Kapampangan respondents in the City of San Fernando, Pampanga Specifically, this research would like to identify the following:1.) Demographic profile of the respondents; 2.) Level of acceptability of the respondents on rabbit processed meat in terms of sensory characteristics, price, nutritional value, and culture; and 3.) Relationship of the respondent’s demographic profile and its level of acceptability of rabbit meat as an alternative meat source. In order to see the general picture, a total of 65 researcher-made survey questionnaires were used. The first part was the demographic profile of the respondents, and the second part was their perception of the acceptability of rabbit meat as an alternative source for consumption. The study also used simple random sampling in determining the samples of the study. Kampampangan residents were the respondents to the study. Based on the results, the sensory characteristics of rabbit meat, price, and nutritional value in terms of Tocino, Sisig, and Morcon are acceptable to respondents; thus, there is a great potential to commercialize rabbit meat in the area, although culture-resulting indicators are slightly and somehow some were not acceptable. Pearson’s r also covered a significant relationship in Age, Gender, and Educational Level towards the acceptance of the consumers since the p-value is greater than 0.05. This implies that based on the factors mentioned—Sensory, Price, Nutritional Value, and Culture, Rabbit meat is accepted as Tocino, Sisig, and Morcon servings by the general consumers which can be considered an alternative meat for the aforementioned local cuisine or as an alternative source of different nutritional values. It is recommended that breeders of rabbit meat should continuously educate the public on rabbit meat consumption through advertisements on social media focusing on the different ways to cook rabbit meat in different cuisines. To counter the declining consumption of this valuable meat, reassuring discourses are required to point out its historical merit in health and culture. Also, its distinctive sensorial traits, nutritional profile, and technological properties should be valorized. The need for consumer information, especially on the health benefits of rabbit meat, is crucial to eradicating negative notions about eating rabbit meat.
Article information
Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Studies
Volume (Issue)
3 (1)
Open access

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