Research Article

Land Use Development of Bahuluang Island as a Leading Tourism Object in Selayar Regency, South Sulawesi


  • Agus Salim Urban and regional planning Department, Bosowa University, Makassar, Indonesia
  • Hartawan Architecture Department, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia


The Republic of Indonesia is an archipelagic country made up of 16,771 islands. The 314 islands are within the administrative area of ​​South Sulawesi Province. Bahuluang Island in the Selayar Islands Regency is one of them, which has rare resources that have not been utilized optimally as a source of driving the economy for the welfare of the people. This island has coral reef islands, white sand islands, and beautiful white sand beaches. Its natural conditions are very attractive and have the potential to be developed into a world-class tourist area. What is the academic perspective on the potential of this island to become a world-class tourist area, and how the development concept is right for it is a research problem. The aim is to reveal the potential and strategy for developing the area and its development model to become a world-class maritime potential-based tourism area. The method used is logical argumentation analyzed using the SWOT method. The results of the study revealed that Bahuluang Island has the potential to be developed into a marine tourism area with an all-in-one tourism concept. Its natural tourism landscape has the potential to create purely natural, traditional, modern, to extreme tourism activities. The existence of great opportunities for all-around tourism on this island can be presented side by side with marine tourism in the scarcity of coral islands and white sand islands to become world-class tourist areas. The potential of human resources as island property owners is a sizeable asset in supporting the presence of a tourist area in its place. The development strategy can be carried out by involving the community as the main part as owners of capital, which are protected by the management and control authority of the area and driven by third parties from investors together with supporting institutions in the protection of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. The concept of building facilities must become a rare world tourism tour.

Article information


Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Studies

Volume (Issue)

1 (1)





How to Cite

Salim, A., & Hartawan. (2023). Land Use Development of Bahuluang Island as a Leading Tourism Object in Selayar Regency, South Sulawesi. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Studies, 1(1), 31-41.







Bahuluang Island; Coral Island; White sand beach; Rare tour