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The Impact of Synchronous Learning of Marlins in Teaching Maritime English
Educators use online learning in the teaching process during the COVID-19 epidemic. Basic interactive online learning methods, such as synchronous learning, are available as a face-to-face learning process via online media. It is necessary to have learning media that can be used during learning Maritime English. The kind of platform that will be used in this study namely Marlins. This study aimed to investigate the impact of synchronous learning in teaching Maritime English through marlins English in cadets’ learning outcomes in the industrial revolution 4.0. This study was a quantitative study using a pre-experimental One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Collecting data applied Marlins English with reliability of 0.788 in Alpha Cronbach. The number of samples was 24 cadets. Multiple choice items and descriptions made up the data gathering instrument. A one-sample t-test, a percentage test, and an independent sample t-test were employed to analyze the data. The results of the study show that there is a mean score of 1,250, and the data table of Paired Samples Test Shows Sig. value of (2- tailed) (0.001) < (0.05) and value of t count of (-4.440) > t table (23; 0.05) is 1.713, so that Ho is rejected. From 24 cadets of the Engine Department of class 3A at Polytechnics of Makassar Merchant, before and after the treatment is significant. For further researchers, it is expected that they can carry out further research with more in-depth coverage related to online learning through synchronous learning.
Article information
Journal of Learning and Development Studies
Volume (Issue)
2 (3)
Open access

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