Research Article

Online language Classes: Perceptions and Challenges of Prospective Language Teachers


  • Nurziana Hamsan College of Teacher Education, Western Mindanao State University


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many activities to be halted including education. Educational institutions are now closed and operating online to ensure the safety of the students and the teachers. Students are now learning online and modular mode. Thus, it has caused the students and teachers to encounter bumps in learning. Hence, this led the researcher to find out and examine the perceptions and challenges that prospective language teachers experience when learning online. The researcher utilized the thematic analysis method to reveal the perceptions and challenges experienced by prospective language teachers in online learning. The data for this study were obtained from the interviews that were conducted with the respondents. It was revealed that there were a number of challenges that the respondents experienced which include poor internet connection, physical distractions, lack of motivation and power interruptions.

Article information


Journal of Learning and Development Studies

Volume (Issue)

1 (1)





How to Cite

Hamsan, N. (2021). Online language Classes: Perceptions and Challenges of Prospective Language Teachers. Journal of Learning and Development Studies, 1(1), 67–76.



Online learning, challenges, prospective language teachers, perceptions, pandemic