Research Article

Changes and Challenges in the Teaching of Grammar in the Age of Disruption


  • Luisito M. Nanquil Bulacan State University, Philippines


The teaching of grammar during classroom meetings is entirely different from the grammar instruction in the new normal. The learning and teaching atmosphere has been more challenging in the contemporary time because people want to be safe and secure as they do transactions. The widespread threats of the pandemic forced humanity to observe mandatory policies and protocols in work, school, and home. Development of language skills is a long time thrust by which ESL teachers carry among their schools. In the Philippine setting, both private and public school teachers share common problems in a different context and situation. The importance of grammar skills can be reflected on the various tasks and activities performed by people in the worksite, academe, and industry. As such, language teachers confront the issues and challenges in the actual ESL classroom where students are expected to learn and master grammar skills among others. Not all students have a good language facility as shown by poor performance in the English language assessments. Some students dislike inclusion of grammar lessons in the curriculum for fear of being unable to participate in the class and produce outputs. This paper aims to identify and describe the challenges (in the time of pandemic) experienced by language teachers on the teaching of grammar in the local Philippine context. Before the study culminated, the researcher has decided to get the views of experts and experienced ESL teachers about this problem and/or issue. It is a fact that has been observed and proved by many teachers not just ESL area but other majors that having grammar competence can help both students and professionals to achieve their goals and perform communicative tasks in the workplace. Results of the study provided insights and tips on how language teachers can make grammar teaching effective and relevant despite changes in setting and environment.

Article information


Journal of Learning and Development Studies

Volume (Issue)

1 (1)





How to Cite

Nanquil, L. M. (2021). Changes and Challenges in the Teaching of Grammar in the Age of Disruption. Journal of Learning and Development Studies, 1(1), 01-06.







Grammar, challenges, changes, strategies, pedagogy