Research Article

Modular Learning: Struggles and Coping Mechanisms of Mothers Not Speaking Mother Tongue


  • Tricia Dealagdon College of Teacher Education, Western Mindanao State University, Zamboanga City, Philippines


Modular learning is the current learning modality of primary education in the Philippines where traditional teacher-student practice has now been shifted to mother-child since mothers are the immediate assistants of their child in modular learning. Therefore, they play essential parts in their children’s education. More so, this learning modality is applicable in all given subjects, including the Mother Tongue (MT). Whereas MT modules will be solely assisted by mothers regardless of the mothers’ MT. The objective of this study is to determine the struggles and coping mechanisms of mothers not speaking the MT in assisting their child in the MT subject. Moreover, this study utilized a qualitative-descriptive design which included semi-structured interview. More so, purposive sampling was utilized to determine the respondents of this study. The total number of respondents is 10 and are all mothers. The respondents’ age ranged between 24-35 years old. It was discovered from the interviews that difficulty in understanding Chavacanowords on the module, difficulty in comprehending instructions on the module, lack of educational pictures, difficulty in translating to the child’s Mother Tongue, difficulty in facilitating learning, difficulty managing child’s behavior and struggle in implementing time management became their primary struggles in assisting their child in the MT subject. It is also important to note that mothers were still able to assist their child despite of these challenges through seeking assistance from native Chavacanospeakers, from someone who has more knowledge in Chavacano, from the teacher, using the translation provided as reference, searching on the internet, repetitive teaching, practice through conversation, involvement during discussions, translating Chavacano to their mother tongue, materials from the teacher, recording of classes, use of infographics, providing positive reinforcement and letting family members to assist.

Article information


Journal of Learning and Development Studies

Volume (Issue)

1 (1)





How to Cite

Dealagdon, T. (2021). Modular Learning: Struggles and Coping Mechanisms of Mothers Not Speaking Mother Tongue. Journal of Learning and Development Studies, 1(1), 77-93.







Modular learning, mother tongue, Mother Tongue Based- Multilingual Education