Article contents
The Agritourism Marketing Strategies in Luzon
The main thrust of the study is to assess the effectiveness and impact of agritourism marketing strategies. It delved in determining the agritourism profile, agritourism marketing strategies, and impact of agritourism along variables on economic, cultural, and ecological. Data were collected from a total of twenty-two (22) farm owner and personnel. one hundred eighty-nine (189) customer gathered through a designated enumerator to distribute and collect the survey questionnaire employing a non-probability sampling technique. The marketing strategies of the agritourism businesses in Luzon are generally effective, specifically the educational tours, food services, commodity crops and processed foods. Owners of agritourism in Luzon perceived that their business have great impact to the community particularly when it comes to educating the consumers and visitors about the local agriculture, issues and importance to the country’s economy and quality of life and increasing the visibility and the appeal of the locally grown products.
Article information
Journal of Business and Management Studies
Volume (Issue)
2 (3)
Open access

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