Research Article

Digital Marketing and Social Media as a Strategy to Increase Brand Awareness: Case Study Increasing the Number of Students on Brand Awareness in Social Media and Digital Marketing Activities in Higher Education X


  • Detya Wiryany Universitas Indonesia Membangun (INABA)
  • Maudy Rizkiana Poedjadi Universitas Indonesia Membangun (INABA)
  • Ita Rahmawati Universitas Indonesia Membangun (INABA)


This research aims to provide knowledge related to post-covid 19 digital marketing strategies to increase the number of students at private universities in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach in data collection. Observing, interviewing, and sorting the required data as well as conducting data validity through data triangulation from experts to confirm the effectiveness of digital marketing activities on social media in increasing brand awareness in the form of interviews to confirm the data obtained. It can be concluded that the university's x strategy in utilizing digital marketing is effective, with an increase of 155% in a period of approximately 1.5 years doing advertisements on social media, Facebook, Instagram, and Google Ads. Promotional strategies for price reductions and tuition installments are the second strategy in marketing activities. Third in this digital marketing communication strategy is the suitability of the target market with copywriting in advertisements and ad creators, namely generation z. These three strategies are strategies for increasing university brand awareness x.

Article information


Journal of Business and Management Studies

Volume (Issue)

5 (4)





How to Cite

Wiryany, D., Poedjadi , M. R., & Rahmawati , I. (2023). Digital Marketing and Social Media as a Strategy to Increase Brand Awareness: Case Study Increasing the Number of Students on Brand Awareness in Social Media and Digital Marketing Activities in Higher Education X. Journal of Business and Management Studies, 5(4), 116-122.







digital marketing, social media, brand awareness