Research Article

Application of Religious Values and Local Wisdom in Government Leadership in Morowali District, Central Sulawesi Province


  • Anwar Hafid Doctoral Student in Government Science Program, School of Postgraduate, Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Ermaya Suradinata Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Khasan Effendi Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Sampara Lukman Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia


This study aims to identify and analyze the application of religious values, and local wisdom values, as well as reconstruct a model in local government leadership in Morowali district, Central Sulawesi province. The  research used qualitative method. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire instrument in the Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi areas. This study uses an empirical sociological approach to looking at the reality that exists in the practice of life in society. So sociological research with an empirical approach must be carried out in the field using field research methods and techniques. In addition to interviewing informants, researchers must also hold Focused Group Discussions with stakeholders, especially within the Morowali Regency Government and communicate with the community. The research results show that the implementation of religious values ​​in the Morowali Regency was realized; the application of local wisdom values ​​in the Morowali Regency is carried out within the framework of the spirit of Tepe Asa Moroso (United then (we will) be strong/steadfast) from the government of Morowali Regency.p.sapplication of local wisdom values ​​through the spirit of Tepe Asa Moroso, kthe construction of a new model in government leadership that was born through a leadership analysis method based on the application of religious values ​​and local wisdom in Morowali Regency is the "BUNGKU" Leadership Model which means Congregational, Superior and Strong.

Article information


Journal of Business and Management Studies

Volume (Issue)

5 (2)





How to Cite

Hafid, A., Suradinata, E., Effendi, K., & Lukman, S. (2023). Application of Religious Values and Local Wisdom in Government Leadership in Morowali District, Central Sulawesi Province. Journal of Business and Management Studies, 5(2), 23-37.







Religious Values, Local Wisdom Values, Leadership Model Construction, Tepe Asa Moroso, Leadership“BROWN”