Research Article

Exploring the Link between Training and Development, Employee Engagement and Employee Retention



Training the employees also helps to reduce the revenge motive in managing stress levels and conflicts. 66% of employees have shown a high engagement level. In this research study, secondary qualitative methods have been incorporated with the help of a systematic review method of analysis. The major finding of the study includes that the training and development of the employees play a crucial role in the growth and development of the business organization. Implementing different innovative strategies made by different organizations helps to improve performance levels and results in high productivity and profitability. It helps to upgrade the organization's profile and reputation. Challenges faced by the organization include the fulfillment of the need and requirements of the employees associated with job satisfaction along with the safety and security of the job role. The impact of training and developmental procedures on the employees helps to increase engagement.

Article information


Journal of Business and Management Studies

Volume (Issue)

5 (1)





How to Cite

Bhakuni, S., & Saxena, S. (2023). Exploring the Link between Training and Development, Employee Engagement and Employee Retention. Journal of Business and Management Studies, 5(1), 173–180.



training, employee, business organisation, employee retention, performance level