Research Article

The Perspective of Rural Entrepreneurs in Indonesia toward the Challenges of Developing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): An Evidence from Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan Province


  • Darusman Darusman Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Muhammadiyah Pontianak, Indonesia


The objectives of this study are to understand the condition of entrepreneurial activities in rural regions of Indonesia, particularly in Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan Province. This research used a qualitative research method. The advantage of this research method is the flexibility to form a more comprehensive and deeper understanding of the subject of the study rather than the approach itself. The result of the study reveals several constructs that affect the development of entrepreneurship activities in the distressed region of Indonesia. Isolation territory, lack of infrastructure, and lack of capital funding are the main challenges faced by rural entrepreneurs. Negative social norms of the community also play a major role in hampering entrepreneurship. The fourth construct of the rural entrepreneurship challenge in Indonesia is resource scarcity.

Article information


Journal of Business and Management Studies

Volume (Issue)

5 (1)





How to Cite

Darusman, D. (2023). The Perspective of Rural Entrepreneurs in Indonesia toward the Challenges of Developing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): An Evidence from Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan Province. Journal of Business and Management Studies, 5(1), 50–62.



Rural Entrepreneurs, SMEs, Entrepreneur