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Casualization and Employee's Commitment in Selected Deposit money Banks in Ogun State, Nigeria
This study examined casualisation and employees’ commitment in five (5) selected Deposit Money Banks in Ogun state, Nigeria. The objectives of the study are to examine the nature or terms of contracts of casual employees in Nigerian banking industry and ascertain the relationship between casualisation and employees commitment in Nigerian banking industry. The Neo-liberal theory and Equity theory were employed to guide the study. Data was collected through the use of questionnaires and in-depth interviews. A sample size of two hundred and fifty two (252) employees was drawn using questionnaires and ten (10) interviewees were purposively selected from the five banks for the in-depth interview. Data collected was analysed using SPSS 20.0 for the questionnaires while the in-depth interviews were analysed using manual content analysis. Findings from the correlation analysis revealed that the Pearson value of 0.943 > 0.5 depicts that there is a strong relationship between casualisation and employee commitment to the job. This implies that there exists a significant relationship hence the null hypothesis was rejected while the alternative hypothesis stating that there exist a significant relationship between casualisation and employee’s commitment was accepted. Findings therefore revealed that casualisation has a strong relationship with employees’ commitment in Nigerian banks from the correlation analysis used for the study. The study concluded that banking is a powerful medium of socio economic changes in developing countries like Nigeria. A well-organized banking system can play a vital role in the development of the country, while an unorganised banking system can as well affect the development of the country negatively. To ensure harmony between the desires of employees and organisational goals, the banking sector must produce a solid framework in the area of human resource management. To be able to do this, it must perform various activities such as recruitment, compensation or giving rewards, training or career development, performance appraisal, and health and safety developments to casual employees in order to get achieve greater commitments from this crop of employees. The study recommends that Section 7 (1) of the Labour ACT which alludes that employees with the casual status must be regulasrised after 90 days (3 months) at work should be strictly adhered to by employers.
Article information
Journal of Business and Management Studies
Volume (Issue)
1 (1)
Open access

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