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Pre- and Post-Purchase Factors Contributing to Dissonance of Filipino Credit Cardholders Amidst Exposure to Financial Risk
Credit card transactions among Filipinos have steadily increased over the past years due to factors like convenience, availability, promotion, and payment terms. Amidst the benefits it brings, the possibility of consumer dissonance brought about by pre-and post-purchase factors as well as financial risk is still noteworthy consideration when utilizing credit. The study focuses on the analysis of the pre-and post-purchase factors that contribute to consumer dissonance amongst Filipino credit cardholders. Due to growing concerns over the development of consumer debt, a gap in the research literature suggests the need to examine the factors that influence the consumers in making their purchases amidst exposure to financial risk, especially with respect to the accessibility of payment extension solutions such as credit card payment. The study will utilize a Descriptive and Inferential Survey Research Design across 196 respondents within Metro Manila. Furthermore, this information can help business managers and operators to analyze and market their payment solutions more effectively.
Article information
Journal of Business and Management Studies
Volume (Issue)
4 (2)
Copyright (c) 2022 Journal of Business and Management Studies
Open access

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