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The effect of Price and Brand Image on Purchase Decisions and their Implications on Consumer Satisfaction of Ebara Pump Products in Jabodetabek
This research study highlights the role of purchase decisions in mediating price and brand image towards the customer satisfaction for Ebara pump. The population of this research is Ebara customers. The sample is taken using the purposive sampling method, consisting of 135 respondents. The research used a quantitative analysis approach. The data analysis methods using partial modelling with partial least squares determine how much independent variables affect the dependent variables. Research shows that the model influence on purchasing decisions is moderate and on customer satisfaction is strong, predictive capabilities are excellent, and the model performance between a structural model and a measuring model is fit. The hypothetical tests result in conclusions that there is a variable effect of brand image on purchase decisions, and the price perception affects the purchase decision. The brand image and price perception affect the customer's satisfaction. Indirectly, brand image and price affect customer satisfaction through purchase decisions.
Article information
Journal of Business and Management Studies
Volume (Issue)
3 (2)
Open access

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