Research Article

Introduction to Uzbek Literary Translation: Analysis, Interpretation and Discourse


  • Mirzaeva Zulkhumor Inomovna DSc in Philology, Associate Professor, Tashkent State Uzbek Language and Literature University, named after Alisher Navai, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


In some academic and literary circles, there is a tendency to regard translation as an unserious or unimportant pursuit, compared to other spheres of scholarship, and the lack of literary translation acts as a cultural “iron curtain” around a country such as Uzbekistan. But in fact, literary translation is specific phenomenon which plays an important role in the spiritual and cultural development of the nation. Through literary translations, readers will be informed of certain nation’s culture, traditions, and most importantly, recognizes the representative of that country. Moreover, heterogeneous functions of literary translation, in the sense of ideological framework, lead to an essential importance in the social, political and cultural context, and translation was utilized for different purposes by different agents in the literary process in Uzbek literary discourse. In the following article I will study the problems of transporting culture, specific items in the translations done from Uzbek into English and I will give my own suggestions on conveying extra linguistic context in Uzbek translations which could be useful for the specialists, native speakers, translators working in this field. Besides, current article supplies readers with the details on "free translations" which played an important factor in encouraging soviet politics. The translation strategies and principles provided by the world translation theorists used for the research are also explained through the examples.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

3 (5)





How to Cite

Inomovna, M. Z. . (2020). Introduction to Uzbek Literary Translation: Analysis, Interpretation and Discourse. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 3(5), 41-48.







Translation politics, ideological framework, extra linguistic context, customs, habits, specific words, cultural items