Research Article

Gender Differences in Comprehending Literary Pieces Writing by Edgar Allan Poe among Senior High School Students


  • Francis Niño C. Chiong Student, College of Education, University of the Visayas, Philippines
  • John Kyle B. Vilbar Faculty, Senior High School Department, University of the Visayas, Philippines
  • Felix M. Diano Jr. Research Coordinator, College of Education, University of the Visayas, Philippines


Gender roles have been so prominent in this generation. People always see gender differences in different aspects and try to find who has greater ability between male and female. Thus, this study compares the reading comprehension of the two different genders on the literary pieces written by Edgar Allan Poe. This study utilized the quantitative method specifically the comparative research design. In this study, a sample of 80 senior high school students from a certain University are randomly selected in which 40 of them are males and another 40 are females. The data gathered are analyzed using Ttest for independent samples. The findings reveal that there is a significant difference in the comprehension skills between the two (2) genders. Moreover, the results revealed that female students are superior in comprehending the literary pieces by Edgar Allan Poe compared to their counterparts. The findings explicate that female students established a higher level of understanding on the literary pieces and give the teachers an idea for them to come up with various strategies or differentiated instruction in order to address the existing differences between the gender groups.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

3 (7)





How to Cite

Chiong, F. N. C. ., Vilbar, J. K. B. ., & Jr., F. M. D. . (2020). Gender Differences in Comprehending Literary Pieces Writing by Edgar Allan Poe among Senior High School Students. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 3(7), 12-15.







Gender differences, comprehension, literature, Edgar Allan Poe, Senior High School, Philippines, Asia