Research Article

Translation of English Marked Sentences into Indonesian


  • Ni Wayan Suastini College of Foreign Language Saraswati Denpasar, Indonesia
  • Ketut Artawa Udayana University, Indonesia
  • Ida Bagus Putra Yadnya Udayana University, Indonesia
  • I Ketut Darma Laksana Udayana University, Indonesia


This study is aimed at conducting analysis on the linguistic phenomena in the translation of English marked sentences into Indonesian with two major focuses of discussion, namely (1) the types of English marked sentences found in the data source, (2) the translation of English marked sentences into Indonesian, The theories utilized in the analysis is the Translation Shift (Catford, 1965). The results of the analysis showed four types of marked sentences found in the data; they are passive sentence, existential sentence, it-cleft sentence, and pseudo-cleft sentence. The translation of each sentence has the following variations, 1) the English passive sentences were mostly translated into passive sentences in Indonesian, 2) the Existential sentences were translated into inverted sentences with the existential verbs ada and terdapat in the beginning of the sentences,3) the it-cleft sentences were translated into two different structures, namely inverted and declarative sentences. The forms of these translations are the results of transforming the notional subject found in the it-cleft sentences, either by changing the form of the phrase or maintaining it. There is also it-cleft sentence form found in Indonesian for focusing on certain information. 4) The pseudo-cleft sentence is marked by WH-clause. This sentence was translated into three different sentence structures, namely the relative clause with the question word apa, the nominal clause yang, and the declarative sentence.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

2 (1)





How to Cite

Suastini , N. W., Ketut Artawa, Yadnya, I. B. P., & Laksana, I. K. D. (2019). Translation of English Marked Sentences into Indonesian . International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 2(1), 89-94.







Marked sentence, translation, it-cleft, passive, existential, pseudo-cleft