Research Article

Newspapers as Carriers of New Terms Namely (Neologism) and Their Role in Enhancing Students' Vocabulary: Guardian Newspaper as a Model


  • Entesar Alsir Abu-ALgasim Mohamed Assistant Professor of English, Science and Arts College for Girls-Al Majardha, King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia


This study aims at identifying the importance of the newspapers as carriers and contents of new vocabulary. Understanding of some journalistic strategies and techniques such as the usage of lexical terms namely(neologism.) helps students to learn and acquire new vocabulary. Scientists and linguists  argued that English language is growing fast, therefore it is significant to identify the means and mechanisms of spreading new terms (neologism).This paper takes the pain of proving that newspapers are considered as one of the creators and mediums  which have a significant role in  spreading neologisms by  using new formation of words in their headlines and news being as a fundamental  source of the current events this requires creating and adopting new words which describe new happenings. It is argued that one can acquire the new language by understanding its culture and this will be achieved by examining and grasping its new words. Moreover, this article draws the attention of English teachers to the increasing number of new words or neologisms that appear in the English language particularly in newspapers' headlines and news., thereby neologisms should be integrated into the vocabulary material offered to English learners. 68 samples within five days of headlines and their relevant news will be analyzed to illustrate the intensive usage of the neologisms by the newspapers. 

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

3 (2)





How to Cite

Mohamed, E. A. A.-A. . (2020). Newspapers as Carriers of New Terms Namely (Neologism) and Their Role in Enhancing Students’ Vocabulary: Guardian Newspaper as a Model. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 3(2), 180-196.







Neologisms, newspapers, headlines, scientific, economic, sport, category