Latest Issue

Vol. 3 No. 2: International Journal of Cultural and Religious Studies

(July-December Issue, 2023) 

Published: 2023-07-02

Research Article

The Patterns of Hegemony of the Kokoda Tribe in the City and Regency of Sorong, Southwest Papua

Andi Ahriani, Andi Agustang, Muhammad Syukur, Syamsu Andi Kamaruddin, ...

The Politics of Theology: Deadly Christian Compromises in Bonhoeffer’s Germany

Marc Grenier

Integration of Tunjuk Ajar Malay Culture and Sirah Nabawiyah in Character Implementation

M. Ridwan Hasbi, Rina Rehayati, Martius

The Proof of the Crime of Drinking Alcohol and Its Punishment in Islamic Jurisprudence

Abdul Naseer Mansoor

The Animal Sacrifice Ritual as an Entry Point to Theology in the Cultural Context of Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara

Herman Punda Panda, Arnoldus Yansen Teguh Bebo

Areas of Ijtihad in Islamic law

Abdul Wajid Frutan, Mohammad Jaweed Nasimy

Averroes and St. Thomas Aquinas Debate: How does the Moslem Philosopher understand Aristotle's Philosophy about Soul and Intellect?

Elka Anakot

A Study on Sending Blessing for The Prophet Pease Be Upon Him

Mohammadullah Wardak, Abdul Khaliq Sarem

The Essence of Religious Conversion in the Perspective of Alfred North Whitehead's Philosophy of Processes

Muhammad Yunus Yunus, Mohammad Mukhtasar Syamsuddin, Septiana Dwiputri...