Research Article

The Politics of Theology: Deadly Christian Compromises in Bonhoeffer’s Germany


  • Marc Grenier Chang Jung Christian University, Taiwan


Generally, this essay employs the concept of ‘stance’ to try to understand the theological thoughts and activities of Bonhoeffer and the Christian community at large during the turbulent events which occurred in Nazi Germany. In particular, it attempts a brief exploratory sketch of how various socio-political contextual factors significantly shaped many of his central theological ideas and concepts. The essay suggests that Bonhoeffer’s doctrine of ethics cannot be adequately understood apart from the socio-political context of Hitler’s dictatorship and the actions of the Nazi National Socialist political regime within which it emerged and developed. His active role in the resistance movement to the point of losing his life and that of loved ones was Bonhoeffer’s way of putting his Christian beliefs into concrete practice. Horrified by the blind loyalty and obedience of the bulk of Christians to Nazi state authority, Bonhoeffer responded by formulating a theology to respond to what he viewed as transgressions against God, human life, and society itself. The essay concludes by asserting that all of Bonhoeffer’s discussions about ‘ethics’ regarding conscience, freedom, the Christian faith and church, responsibility, and even his central concept of ‘responsible action’ were formulated in direct response and challenge to Hitler’s political regime.

Article information


International Journal of Cultural and Religious Studies

Volume (Issue)

3 (2)





How to Cite

Grenier, M. (2023). The Politics of Theology: Deadly Christian Compromises in Bonhoeffer’s Germany. International Journal of Cultural and Religious Studies, 3(2), 07-18.







Stance, Nazi Germany, Hitler, responsible action, Machiavelli, church, government, state, Confessing Church, German Protestant Church, Barmen Declaration, the Aryan Paragraph, Pastor’s Emergency League, liberatio ratio, Berlin rally, socio-political context, divine mandates, regional autonomy. theology, duty, society, morals