Research Article

A Study of the Influence of Intercultural Communication Competence on College Students' English Learning


  • Huang Yi School of arts and sciences, Nanning College of Technology, Nanning, Guangxi, China


Culture is conveyed via language, while language is molded by culture. Cultural barriers can easily be established during conversation between individuals from various origins because of these disparities. In addition to mastering the language's norms, we also need to comprehend the deep cultural meanings that the language conveys in order to get the greatest results while communicating across cultures. Using the link between language and culture, the value of developing cross-cultural communication skills, and strategies for raising students' cultural awareness, the researcher attempts to address English teaching activities in cross-cultural situations in this study. In order to meet the demands of the globalized economy for intercultural composite English talents, the paper uses a combination of quantitative research and qualitative analysis to gather primary data from student surveys and teacher interviews at Nanning College of Technology's College of Arts and Sciences. It then determines the current issues with English majors' intercultural communicative competence and develops practical solutions to foster it. The development of intercultural communication ability is a socially significant aspect of teaching business English and English in general. To improve college students' practical communicative competence, intercultural communicative competence must be developed using a comprehensive and multifaceted model of teaching and cultivating intercultural communicative competence. Additionally, the target language culture must be introduced gradually, methodically, and continuously.

Article information


Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices

Volume (Issue)

6 (3)





How to Cite

Huang Yi. (2024). A Study of the Influence of Intercultural Communication Competence on College Students’ English Learning. Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices , 6(3), 110-116.







Language, culture, cultural difference, intercultural communication competence, English-major students