Research Article

Investigating Students' Attitudes Towards the Use of ICT in Learning: The Specialized Institute of Applied Hotel Technology and Tourism in Ouarzazate-Morocco- as a Case Study


  • Nour Eddine BABA Doctoral student, Faculty of Languages, Letters, and Arts, English Department, Ibn Tofail university, Kenitra, Morocco
  • Khadija ANASSE Full Professor, Faculty of Languages, Letters, and Arts, English Department, Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra, Morocco
  • Najib SLIMANI Full Professor, Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences, English Department, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh, Morocco


This study seeks to examine the students’ attitudes towards the use of information communication technology (ICT) in learning based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) developed by (Davis, 1989) among tourism students at the Specilaized Institute of Applied Hotel Technology and Tourism in Ouarzazate, Morocco. In the current research, a questionnaire in Google form is administered to 238 students enrolled in the Institute to easily get responses. The study espouses a mixed-methods research design that uses both qualitative and quantitative techniques to collect and analyze data. To unknown reasons, only sixty-four student-respondents managed to fill out the questionnaire entitlted : Investigating Students' Attitudes Towards the Use of ICT in Learning: The Specialized Institute of Applied Hotel Technology and Tourism in Ouarzazate-Morocco- as a Case Study. The findings reveal that most respondents hold a positive attitude towards the use of ICT in their learning. Furthermore, the results indicate that respondents perceive ICT as valuable and easy to use, enhancing engagement, interaction, and achievement in learning. On the other hand, technical issues, internet connectivity, ICT competency, and hardware issues are the major challenges faced by students while espousing ICT in their learning process.

Article information


Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices

Volume (Issue)

6 (3)





How to Cite

BABA, N. E., ANASSE, K., & SLIMANI, N. (2024). Investigating Students’ Attitudes Towards the Use of ICT in Learning: The Specialized Institute of Applied Hotel Technology and Tourism in Ouarzazate-Morocco- as a Case Study. Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices , 6(3), 130-144.







ICT- Attitudes- Perceived ease of use-Perceived usefulness of use