Research Article

Flipped Instruction: Upscaling Learners’ Sentence Structures in Writing


  • CZARLAINE VALDERRAMA Graduate School, Bulacan State University, City of Malolos, Bulacan, Philippines
  • GABRIELLE B. TOLPO English Department, Bajet-Castillo High School, Longos, Pulilan, Bulacan


The transition to hybrid learning brought about by the new normal education introduced various discussions and changes in the physical classroom, which require teachers to upskill their teaching strategies in order to upscale student performance. Lately, flipped instruction (FI) has been suggested to support this transition. According to Dr. Bada (2015), an important restriction of education is that teachers cannot simply spoon-feed students with knowledge; instead, students need to actively construct knowledge in their own minds. FI basically inverts the learning process by reversing the order of typical activities of common teaching practice (Ekmekci, 2017; Tucker, 2012). It is an educational approach that combines engaging exercises with asynchronous preclass materials that are provided to cater to students' needs depending on their learning styles. Though it is observed to be effective in the classroom in general, the researchers specifically aimed to assess if FI could better assist EFL teachers in upscaling their writing skills. It sought to help the Grade 7 students of Bajet-Castillo High School as respondents of this study to improve their sentence structures through FI. Findings revealed that FI has been effective in developing the writing skills of the respondents and should have enough task-based asynchronous activities to help with their sentence structures. Aside from this, this study recommends that educators and administration allocate time and programs that support this particular learning setting to achieve continuous and total development of each and individual learner.

Article information


Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices

Volume (Issue)

4 (3)





How to Cite

VALDERRAMA, C., & TOLPO, G. B. (2022). Flipped Instruction: Upscaling Learners’ Sentence Structures in Writing. Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices , 4(3), 53-56.







Flipped Instruction, Flipped Classroom, Sentence Structures