Research Article

Glocalisation of English in Kupang Linguistic Landscape, Timor, Indonesia


  • Marcelinus Yeri Fernandez Akoli Lecturer, English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences, Universitas Nusa Cendana, Kupang, Indonesia
  • Elvis Albertus bin Toni Lecturer, English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences, Widya Mandira Catholic University, Kupang, Indonesia
  • Alexander H. Kabelen Lecturer, English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences, Universitas Nusa Cendana, Kupang, Indonesia


This paper aims to describe the glocalisation phenomena of English expressions found on minivans as a means of public transport in Kupang city of Indonesia. This is a linguistic landscape study. The use of English on public minivans is an easily observable thing for people of Kupang because, basically, the public vehicles in Kupang are attractively designed with a lot of symbolic and linguistic objects. The data in this study were collected through picture-taking techniques and interviews. The data were analysed using an interdisciplinary approach under linguistics studies. Results show that English use on public minivans is predominantly characterized by language errors (38%) and variations (62%). The high percentage of language errors and variations on the minivans probably indicates both low English proficiency among those involved in the transportation business and Kupang people as a creative but careless society. Moreover, the appearance of the English expressions serves a number of functions such as English attractiveness, Pragmatics, Social criticism, fashionability, customers’ ease with vehicles’ identification, and religiosity. Although English in this domain shows a typical style developed by Kupang people, for a number of reasons, it cannot be assumed as a new English variety that is coming into existence.

Article information


Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices

Volume (Issue)

4 (3)





How to Cite

Akoli, M. Y. F., Elvis Albertus bin Toni, & Kabelen, A. H. (2022). Glocalisation of English in Kupang Linguistic Landscape, Timor, Indonesia. Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices , 4(3), 39-52.







English, Glocalisation, Linguistic Landscape, Kupang, Indonesia