Article contents
Strategies for Increasing the Teacher’s Performance through Online Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic at the State of I Loa Kulu First Middle School Kutai Kartanegara District
This study aims to analyze the strategy for improving the teacher’s performance during the Covid-19 pandemic through online learning at SMP Negeri 1 Loa Kulu and to analyze the supporting and inhibiting factors for improving teacher performance through online learning at SMP Negeri 1 Loa Kulu during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses qualitative design research because it wants to explore the phenomena that occur in the field; the data collection of research is carried out through 3 (three) main techniques, namely observation (careful review), in-depth interviews (in-depth interviews), and literature studies so that it can explain about strategies for improving teacher performance at SMP Negeri 1 Loa Kulu during the Covid-19 pandemic. Sources of secondary data in this study are secondary data at SMP Negeri 1 Loa Kulu as well as research journals and news articles, and so on related to this research. The results showed that Strategies for Improving Teacher Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic through Online Learning at State Junior High School 1 Loa Kulu are, namely 1) Developing teacher professionalism, teachers developing their professionalism must continue to train and improve several things such as knowledge and abilities 2) improve skills, teacher skills mastering online learning media, the efforts made by each teacher are different, some try out before teaching, learn from YouTube, ask fellow teachers and so on. Supporting and inhibiting factors for the Strategy to Improve Teacher Performance through Online Learning at SMP Negeri 1 Loa Kulu during the Covid-19 Pandemic are. 1) Teacher motivation to understand online knowledge, 2) teacher skills in implementing online learning, and 3) facilities and infrastructure. Inhibiting factors are; 1) laziness to develop 2) There are still some teachers who are technology stutter 2) Internet network that is not stable 3) Infrastructure facilities that are not optimal.
Article information
Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices
Volume (Issue)
4 (3)
Open access

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