Research Article

Teaching and Learning EIL Approach: A Case Study in Indonesia


  • Susi Andriani Simanjuntak A Student of International Master Program of Department of Education and Human Potential Development, Hua-Shih College of Education, National Dong Hwa University, Shoufeng, Hualien, Taiwan, Republic of China.
  • Hsi-Nancy Lien An Associate Professor in Department of Education and Human Potential Development, Hua-Shih College of Education, National Dong Hwa University, Shoufeng, Hualien, Taiwan, Republic of China


This study aimed to explore the experiences of English teacher and students work in actual teaching and learning EIL in the classrooms. EIL is embracing the language variations among nations included native and nonnative English language. In our increasingly diverse communities, this approach is a talkback to the monolingual focus in ELT pedagogy and pay much attention to multilingual in the local and global communities and also situated English language education in global/local multilingualism. This study used of an empirical case study of a senior high school in Indonesia. From methodology perspective, there are two concerns of this empirical study to look for, they are classroom talks. This study had theoretical and practical significances included to show the quality of the teachers and students’ learning and teaching EIL approach in two actual classrooms through classroom talk in one of senior high schools, Tebing Tinggi. There were two English teachers and two classes (Grade 1 and Grade 2, approximately with 60 students). The meetings consisted of five meetings with three topics that we had for each class. The results get the validation of Indonesia English varieties as legitimate, comprehensible, and intelligible. There are also some obstacles and potentials that we get from implementing and acknowledging this approach which is poured in teaching reflection. It is a calling for EFL students and teachers’ identity to be more critically reflected a transformative mode of teaching and learning English as an international language help us to culture embedded in educational parties.

Article information


Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices

Volume (Issue)

2 (3)





How to Cite

Simanjuntak, S. A. ., & Lien, H.-N. . (2020). Teaching and Learning EIL Approach: A Case Study in Indonesia. Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices , 2(3), 1-21.







English as an international language (EIL), English language teaching, EFL identity orientation, critical pedagogy