Research Article

School Culture and Effectiveness


  • Jose L. Pabalan Department of Education, Holy Name University, Philippines
  • Asuncion P. Pabalan Department of Education, Holy Name University, Philippines


A review of school effectiveness literature shows that different levels of schoollevel achievement are linked to differences in school characteristics and especially to school culture. This study aimed to determine the school culture and its relation to school effectiveness of the selected well performing and less performing junior high schools of the divisions of Bohol and Cebu City in the academic year 2016-2017.Based on results, both well performing and less performing schools share about the same perception on their school culture, particularly pertaining the various dimensions of the curricular elements, curricular decision-making, and school-based leadership categories. This could be attributed to the fact that they all belong to the same structural system, that is, the public-school system under the monitory of the Department of Education. Although there may not be much difference in their perceptions on their school effectiveness involving institutional practices, student performance in NAT, as well as dropout and retention rates, less performing schools can always learn from the well performing schools especially on areas where they significantly achieved better, such as student performance in the NAT, as well as in their retention rates, among others.

Article information


Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices

Volume (Issue)

2 (2)





How to Cite

Pabalan, J. L. ., & Pabalan, A. P. . (2020). School Culture and Effectiveness. Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices , 2(2), 12-23.



