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Parenting Styles, Study Skills and Academic Performance of Grade IV Pupils in Araling Panlipunan
The study was conducted in the 11 DepEd Elementary Schools in the District of Tapaz West from December 2015 to January 2016 during the school year 2015-2016 to ascertain if parenting styles, and study skills correlate with the Grade IV pupils’ academic performance in Araling Panlipunan. Respondents of the study were the 219 Grade IV Pupils enrolled during School Year 2015-2016 in the 11 respondent schools in the District of Tapaz West. A questionnaire was used to gather data on pupils’ personal characteristics such as age, sex, and educational attainment of parents. Standardized instruments such as parenting styles adopted from 30-item Parenting Style Tests of Mandeleco et. al (1995,) and the 30-item Study Skills Rating Scale were used for the study. Pupils’ grade in the second grading period was utilized to measure their level of academic performance in Araling Panlipunan. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency count, mean, percentage and standard deviation, and inferential statistics such as Pearson Product - Moment Correlation, and t-test for independent samples and ANOVA test for significance. Level of significance was set at 0.05 alpha. Findings showed that majority of Grade IV pupils were nine years old, mostly females and whose parents mostly finished high school education. Respondents’ parents in the District of Tapaz West were generally moderate in their parenting styles. These parents were highly authoritative, moderately authoritarian and permissively weak in their parenting styles. When grouped according to personal-related variables, both 9 and 10 years old respondents, male and female and had parents who had high school education, and those graduated in high school and college were shown to be parents who were practicing moderate parenting styles. Generally, respondents’ level of study skills was high. They were found to have a high level of study skills in the following dimensions such as: preparing for the test, managing time, memorizing, studying, reading textbooks and note taking. When grouped according to age, sex and parents’ education, pupils’ respondents study skills were homogenously high. Generally, pupil respondents’ academic performance in Araling Panlipunan was very sastisfactory. When grouped according to age, sex and education of parents, pupil respondents’ level of academic performance in Araling Panlipunan was similarly very satisfactory. No significant differences exists in the parenting style of the respondents parents, pupils’ study skills and their academic performance when they were grouped according to age, sex and parents’ education. Parenting styes of pupils’ parents and their study skills were not significantly related.
Article information
Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices
Volume (Issue)
2 (2)
Open access

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