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National Career Assessment Examination Result, Career Pathway Choices, and Career Guidance Program Implementation
The main thrust of this study was to determine the relationship between the students’ National Career Assessment (NCAE) result, Career Pathway Choices, and the Level of Implementation of Career Guidance Program in Public Junior High Schools in Tagbilaran City Division. This study was conducted in six public secondary schools in Tagbilaran City Division with 307 student-respondents and 25 teacher-respondents. To achieve the said objectives, descriptive-documentary design was used, modified survey form and a self-made questionnaire. To arrive at the answers to the statistical data gathered, percentage and the average mean, weighted mean and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and t-test was used. Findings revealed that majority of the students’ obtained an average rating in the National Career Assessment Examination in the Arts Track followed by Academic Track which includes the Strands of ABM (Accountancy, Business and Management), HUMMS (Humanities and Social Sciences) then STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in particular order. It was followed by TVL Track and last in the rank was Sports Track. On the other hand, most of the students’ career pathway preference was Academic Track in the Strand HUMMs which is ranked first, STEM as second then ABM for third. Next to academic track is the TVL Track followed by the Sports Track then the Arts Track. There is no significant difference between the students National Career Assessment Examination with that of their Career Pathway Choices. The Career Guidance Program for was less implemented. Hence, students’ National Career Assessment Examination result does not conform to their Career Pathway Choice and Career Guidance Program in Public Junior High Schools in Tagbilaran City was poorly implemented. With these, teachers and Career Guidance Personnel should intensify Career Guidance Program for Public Junior High Schools to guide students in making wise decision in choosing the appropriate career pathway choices for Senior High School, send section advisers to trainings and workshops on Career Guidance Program to be effective in career guidance to students.
Article information
Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices
Volume (Issue)
2 (2)
Open access

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