Research Article

School Monitoring Evaluation and Adjustment in Public Secondary Schools: Practices and Performance of Administrators


  • Peregrita J. Datahan San Agustin National High School, DepEd-Division of Bohol, Philippines


This study aimed to identify the practices and performance of secondary school principals in monitoring, evaluation and adjustments in the secondary schools of the Division of Bohol for the SY 2016-2017. The study described the practices of school principals in terms of outcome evaluation, on tracking intermediate results and on progress monitoring. It further aimed to identify the level of performance in schools monitoring, evaluation and adjustments in areas such as evaluating school performance; learner tracking; instructional supervision; tracking staff performance; managing resources; and monitoring SIP implementation. Moreover, this study also aimed to determine the difference of the performance of school principals in monitoring, evaluation and adjustments when categorized according to age, sex, years of experience as principal and educational attainment. The performance of the principals was gathered through a questionnaire and a structured interview to identify their practices. A weighted mean and One Way Analysis of Variance was used to determine the difference of performance when school principals are categorized according to their socio-demographic characteristics. The result revealed that the administrators have taken their initiatives to look into School Monitoring Evaluation and Adjustments to determine whether the school was doing well. Results show that the secondary principals were outstanding in some areas of school monitoring and evaluation. Female principals tend to believe that they performed better. Moreover, the study revealed that age, years of experience as administrator and educational attainment are not factors in the assessment of their performance. The study recommends an enhancement program to enhance performance and improve school monitoring and evaluation practices in all the areas of school monitoring and evaluation.

Article information


Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices

Volume (Issue)

2 (2)





How to Cite

Datahan, P. J. . (2020). School Monitoring Evaluation and Adjustment in Public Secondary Schools: Practices and Performance of Administrators. Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices , 2(2), 146-157.







practices, performance, school monitoring evaluation and adjustments