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K to 12 English Curriculum Guide Implementation and Performance in the Public Secondary Schools in the city Schools Divisions of Laguna
The study aimed to contribute in the most appropriate implementation of equipping the learners with communicative competence and multiliteracies by determining if the teachers’ perceptions influence the K to 12 English Curriculum Guide implementation and if there is a relationship between the implementation of the Curriculum Guide in English 10 and the performance of students in terms of quarterly tests and school performance in terms of SBM level of practice and OPCR in the City Schools of Sta. Rosa, Biñan and Cabuyao for the SY 2019 – 2020. There were 111 teacher – respondents and 18 school head-respondents from the three City Schools Division of Laguna. The data were gathered through the validated and reliability tested survey questionnaire crafted by the researcher based on the English10 curriculum guide. The data were analyzed using simple frequency count visually supported by graphs, Mean Standard Deviation, Ranking, ANOVA through General Linear Model Pearson r and Chi square-test. The results revealed that teachers’ perception in terms of planning, pedagogical approaches and assessment influenced the implementation of curriculum guide. There is a significant is significant relationship between the students’ performance in terms of quarterly test and the assessment of curriculum guide implementation in the performance standards and content standards but no significance in the learning competency. Moreover, there is no significant relationship between the school performance in terms of SBM level of practice and OPCR rating and assessment of curriculum guide implementation.
Article information
Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices
Volume (Issue)
2 (2)
Open access

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