Article contents
The Readiness of Mathematics Teachers in Teaching K-12: The Spiral Approach
This study assessed the teachers' perceptions regarding their readiness to teach Mathematics using the Spiral Progression Approach. The respondents were the tertiary teachers handling Mathematics subjects. In the research process, the researcher utilized a modified questionnaire. The data collected using questionnaires to all college faculty who taught math subjects. The data gathered were statistically treated, analyzed, and interpreted using the Chi-square Test of Independence. The study revealed that the teachers want more growth and development on Probability and Statistics and Geometry. The teachers were ready but a need few improvements in the overall readiness of using the Spiral Progression approach in terms of goals, content, tools, skills, and processes and theories and principles. The teachers' perception was undecided towards attaining the goals of a spiral approach in teaching Mathematics. Teachers need for Professional Development in Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Classroom-based Assessment. There is no significant relationship between the teacher’s perception and the level of readiness in teaching the Spiral Progression Approach in the k-12 curriculum. The study implies that though the teachers were ready in the overall readiness and familiar with the Spiral Approach they have difficulty with the use of the spiral approach in teaching math. The result of the study served as the basis for conducting the In-service training.
Article information
Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices
Volume (Issue)
2 (2)
Open access

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