Article contents
Development of Fiji English
This paper traces the development of Fiji English as a variety of English distinct from standard British English. This variety of English has been used colloquially; however, in the recent past, it has been slowly creeping in to students’ academic papers. Some of its vocabulary may be seen to be quite distinct from standard British English. This paper will first discuss the classifications and models of World Englishes that have been proposed by scholars such as Kachru, Schneider, Quirk and Bolton, among others. These classifications try and explain the differences in the ways English developed its own varieties in different countries. It will then attempt to explain the stages Fiji English went through to give birth to its own distinct variety of English. Finally, it will examine some of the sources of Fiji English lexis.
Article information
Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices
Volume (Issue)
3 (2)
Open access

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