Research Article

The Effect of Authentic Leadership on Innovative Work Behavior Mediated by Work Meaningfulness


  • Chiefy Adi Kusmargono Student of the Leadership and Policy Innovation Study Program, The Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
  • Wihana Kirana Jaya Lecturer of the Leadership and Policy Innovation Study Program, The Graduate School of Universitas
  • Agus Heruanto Hadna Lecturer of the Leadership and Policy Innovation Study Program, The Graduate School of Universitas
  • Sumaryono Sumaryono Lecturer of the Leadership and Policy Innovation Study Program, The Graduate School of Universitas


Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) relentlessly targeted the corporate and economic sectors in the twenty-first century. Innovative work behavior is seen as the most important contributor to the organization's performance and sustainability in the face of VUCA. Authentic leadership is a variable that impacts innovative work behavior. This research aimed to examine the effect of authentic leadership on innovative work behavior by mediating the role of work meaningfulness. 208 employees from one of the Learning & Consulting companies in Indonesia were selected by simple random sampling. Data analysis used a simple mediation model by Hayes. The result shows that work meaningfulness has a role booster as a mediator between authentic leadership and innovative work behavior. The results of the study revealed that organizations could enhance creative work behavior by offering authentic leadership development programs for all leaders. The leader can stimulate information and opinion, build trustworthy relationships with employees and communicate the company's vision, goal, objectives, and values linked to employees' personal values. Then for strengthening, companies can further support by explaining the importance of the meaning of work, the roles and contributions of employees to the company and the large purpose. It is hoped that this study has provided some insights into the effect of authentic leadership on innovative work behavior mediated by work meaningfulness.

Article information


Journal of Psychology and Behavior Studies

Volume (Issue)

3 (2)





How to Cite

Kusmargono, C. A., Jaya, W. K., Hadna, A. H., & Sumaryono, S. (2023). The Effect of Authentic Leadership on Innovative Work Behavior Mediated by Work Meaningfulness. Journal of Psychology and Behavior Studies, 3(2), 01–07.



Authentic Leadership, Innovative Work Behavior, Work Meaningfulness