Research Article

Lived Experience of Leadership Styles on Employee Job Satisfaction in Selected BPO Companies in the Philippines An Intervention of Behavioral Performance


  • Alan Y. Cabaluna La Consolacion University Philippines, Philippines
  • Olivier Ndamwize Mbaw La Consolacion University Philippines, School of Graduate Studies, Philippines


This study was conducted in the Philippines, the world's Business Process outsourcing capital. The primary purpose of this study is to examine the lived experience of leadership styles on employee job satisfaction in selected BPO firms. This research report used a qualitative method based on descriptive phenomenology research design to analyze BPO personnel lived leadership experience, specifically front-liners and managers’ experience from Taguig City, Makati City, Pasay City, and Pasig City within Metro Manila. We used an open-ended questionnaire to collect data from respondents. Five major themes emerged: (1) strengths development, (2) Communication and Innovation (3) Trust and respect (4) Delegation and Employee empowerment (5) Reward and Correction. According to the study's premise, most BPO companies in the Philippines practiced a combined transformational leadership and transactional leadership style. To keep employees happy, managers and BPO businesses can adopt a variety of leadership styles. The most popular and researched leadership style is transformational leadership, which stresses intrinsic motivation and employee development. Transactional leadership is task-oriented and focuses on the needs of the followers. Laissez-faire managers, on the other hand, stay out of the way. Job satisfaction is a pleasant or good emotional state caused by job evaluation. Workplace happiness is unaffected by transactional leadership remedial actions. The results show that employees are satisfied when their leader develops their skills, communicates and encourages innovation, builds trust and respect for others, delegates and empowers employees while recognizing top performers, and respectfully corrects mistakes. However, a definite correlation between leadership styles and employee job satisfaction requires more investigation.

Article information


Journal of Psychology and Behavior Studies

Volume (Issue)

1 (1)





How to Cite

Cabaluna, A. Y., & Mbaw, O. N. (2021). Lived Experience of Leadership Styles on Employee Job Satisfaction in Selected BPO Companies in the Philippines An Intervention of Behavioral Performance . Journal of Psychology and Behavior Studies, 1(1), 30–40.



Transformational leadership, Transactional leadership, Employee job satisfaction, Business Process Outsourcing