Latest Issue

Vol. 4 No. 5: Journal of Medical and Health Studies

(September-October Issue, 2023) In Progress ...

Published: 2023-09-07

Research Article

An Incidental Finding of Chilaiditi's Sign: A Case Report

Lana Dardari, Maher Taha, Ali Haider, Fatima Faqihi, Omar Sharif

Practice of Fast Food Consumption among University Students and Variables Associated with the Practice

Saurav Pratheepkumar, Laith Hamdan, Isa Khashiev, Jayadevan Sreedharan

Diabetic Ketoacidosis Complications and Management in Pediatrics: A Narrative Review

Madleen Abu Aser, Hameedo GH. Al-Tourk, Ashraf YA. El-Jedi, Tareq K. A...

Measles-Related Pneumonia Association on Severely Wasting Children

Jessica Sofian, Ghaisania Athira, Johnwan Usman, Rachmanto HSA

Right Hemifacial Paralysis in a 6-Year-Old Boy: An Overlooked Case Report of Bell’s Palsy in Children

Jessica Sofian, Johnwan Usman, Rachmanto HSA, Ghaisania Athira, Nathan...

Antenatal Diagnosis of Intestinal Mal-rotation: King Hamad University Hospital Approach to Congenital Fetal Anomalies

Ali Haider, Hosni Malas, Rihab Farhan Ismail

Relationship between Hormonal Contraception and Mental Health: A Cross-sectional Study in Ecuador

Josselyn Caballero-Mendoza, Gema Salazar-Velez, José Pazmiño-Cuadros, ...

Comparison of Anthropometric Measurements of Infants Born to Bahraini Mothers with and Without Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)

Ali Haider, Esam Nedhal Mahdawi, Minoosh Nasef , Emad Shatla, Arun Nai...

Incidence of Necrotizing Enterocolitis and an Assessment of Related Risk Factors and Outcomes

Ali Haider, Esam Nedhal Mahdawi, Minoosh Nasef , Emad Shatla, Arun Nai...

Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease: A Comprehensive Review of Management and Recent Advances

Salman Khan, Seemab Sheikh, Fnu Vishal

Incidence of Trauma during Birth to Neonates Born to Mothers with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

Ali Haider, Esam Nedhal Mahdawi, Minoosh Nasef , Emad Shatla, Arun Nai...

Use of Low Melting Point Alloy Mcp-96 Filter on Gammagraphic Optimization of Patient Position Verification with Telecobalt 60 Machine

Dwi Sugeng Supriyadi, Lina Choridah, Siti Masrochah, CH. Nawangsih, Ar...

Advancing Healthcare Outcomes with AI: Predicting Hospital Readmissions in the USA

Md Musa Haque, Shah Foysal Hossain, Sarmin Akter, Md Azharul Islam, Sh...