Research Article

The Effectiveness of a Group Guidance Program Based on Mindfulness in Improving Job Satisfaction Among Male and Female Teachers


  • Suha Abdulkareem Tohal Department of Counseling and Mental Health, The World Islamic Sciences & Education University, Jordan
  • Ibraheem Mali Department of Counseling and Mental Health, The World Islamic Sciences & Education University, Jordan


The study aimed to identify the effectiveness of a group guidance program based on mindfulness in improving job satisfaction among male and female teachers. The study sample consisted of (60) male and female teachers, divided into two groups: an experimental group that underwent a group guidance program to improve job satisfaction for a period of eight weeks, at a rate of two meetings per week, the duration of each meeting (60) minutes. His control group was not subject to any program. The job satisfaction scale (pre-measurement) was applied to all study members, then the guidance program was applied to the members of the experimental group, and the study scale (post-measurement) was reapplied, and the results indicated an improvement in the level of job satisfaction in the experimental group, and no effect of sex appeared.

Article information


Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies

Volume (Issue)

5 (11)





How to Cite

Tohal, S. A., & Mali, I. (2023). The Effectiveness of a Group Guidance Program Based on Mindfulness in Improving Job Satisfaction Among Male and Female Teachers. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 5(11), 54–62.



Group guidance program, Job satisfaction, Teachers.