Research Article

Analysis of HRM Practices in Private Sector School Teachers in Uttarakhand


  • Seema Bhakuni NIILM University, Haryana India
  • Shweta Kandari HNB University, Garhwal, India
  • Chanderjeet Gahlawat Assistant Professor NIILM University, Haryana, India


Human resource management (HRM) has gained momentum only after 1920’s, though it started from the advent of Magadha Empire and Chanakya’s Arthashastra, where he described about employment, wages, punishments etc. In many of the countries and even in India there is a separate provision of an HRM committee to look after the welfare of the employees. Schools, which are considered to be the backbone of a nation, where many employees including teachers work, are either untouched by the concept of HRM or there is no official provision of setting up a Human Resource Committee. As a result, the teachers, in lieu of expressing their concerns before an official body, remain stressed and that happens mostly in the private schools. This study is performed to assess the adequacy or rather lack of proper HRM practices in private school teachers. A 20-item questionnaire was designed, validated and administered on a sample of 120 teachers randomly picked from the private sector schools in the state of Uttarakhand. The result revealed that the private school teachers revealed significant level of dissatisfaction with their institutional work culture and its HRM practices. The research suggests to balance these HRM categories, as it results into a discontent workforce in schools and leads to low output of results. As a consequence, more and more teachers turn over takes place from the private schools in a look-out for better opportunities whenever possible.

Article information


Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies

Volume (Issue)

2 (3)





How to Cite

Bhakuni, S. ., Kandari, S. ., & Gahlawat, C. . (2020). Analysis of HRM Practices in Private Sector School Teachers in Uttarakhand. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 2(3), 86-89.







Chanakya’s Arthashashtra, momentum, prevalent, validated, discontent, output