Research Article

Translation Quality Assessment in the Literary Text based on House Model


  • Sara Naidj MA student in Translation Studies, Islamic Azad University, Iran
  • Masoud Seyed Motahari Associate professor, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Brach, Iran


The present study aims at Translation Quality Assessment in the Literary Text based on House Model. The main purpose of the present study is to assess the Persian translation of The Sense of an Ending based on House's model of Translation Quality Assessment. The researcher used the translated text by Hasan Kamshad. The main problem of the study is judging or assessing literary translation. The translation assessment was based on overt and covert errors and mismatches. The selected pages of translation were analyzed using five categorizations of overtly erroneous errors, on the other hand. The analysis was shown in the tables based on the criteria and the researcher answered the was investigated thatany minor or major linguistic changes lead to the transferring the message of original text. With regard to the extra-linguistic effects of translation texts, there was literary effects and changes under any manipulation of translation texts especially in the translation of literary texts such as the sense of an ending.

Article information


Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies

Volume (Issue)

1 (2)





How to Cite

Naidj, S. ., & Motahari, M. S. . (2019). Translation Quality Assessment in the Literary Text based on House Model. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 1(2), 19–27. Retrieved from



Translation Quality, Assessment, Overt and Covert ranslation, Literary Translation