Research Article

Level and Causes of Foreign Language Anxiety and Foreign Language Enjoyment in Indian ESL Students


  • Ian Minderman Graduate Student, Manipal GlobalNXT University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Suma Parahakaran Senior Lecturer, INTI International University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Dalwinder Kaur Senior Lecturer, Manipal GlobalNXT University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Foreign language anxiety and foreign language enjoyment are two phenomena which have been studied for decades in relation to foreign language learning. This quantitative study measured the level of foreign language anxiety and foreign language enjoyment in Indian ESL students in order to shine a light on the extent to which Indian ESL students experience these phenomena. In doing so, educators, policy-makers, and curriculum developers can approach education with these phenomena in mind in order to tailor their work to student needs. Through the implementation of previously validated research methods, this study found that Indian ESL students have considerably lower levels of foreign language anxiety than average when compared with other Asian nations. It was also found that Indian ESL students have similar levels of foreign language enjoyment when compared to other Asian nations. Admiration for those who speak foreign languages as well as studying in a fun and open academic environment contributed the most to their level of foreign language enjoyment, while having their mistakes made the center of attention contributed the most to their level of foreign language anxiety.

Article information


Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics

Volume (Issue)

6 (2)





How to Cite

Ian Minderman, Suma Parahakaran, & Dalwinder Kaur. (2024). Level and Causes of Foreign Language Anxiety and Foreign Language Enjoyment in Indian ESL Students. Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics , 6(2), 94-105.







Foreign language anxiety, foreign language classroom anxiety, foreign language enjoyment, positive psychology, ESL, TESOL, India, South Asia