Research Article

The Implementation of Canvas to Enhance English Teaching and Learning


  • Phan Thanh Tuan Dong Nai Technology University, Vietnam


One Learning Management System (LMS) utilized to oversee classroom activities is Canvas. In order to provide a positive atmosphere for online teaching and learning, an LMS should be effectively administered. As a result, it is necessary for both professors and students to adapt to the selected LMS's methods. This study intends to investigate how Canvas is currently used to improve English teaching and learning procedures. The research placed greater emphasis on the opinions of the students on the teacher's usage of the Canvas application. This study used a qualitative approach. Data came through observation in the classroom, documentation, and a survey. The analysis's findings demonstrate how Canvas's capabilities, which include modules for sharing resources, discussion boards, assignments, conferencing facilities for online meetings, and deeper linkages to other platforms, have improved the teaching and learning of English. The processes of teaching and learning English have been facilitated by these often employed aspects. Even with the difficulties they faced, the students felt at ease, astonished, and interested.

Article information


Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics

Volume (Issue)

5 (2)





How to Cite

Phan Thanh Tuan. (2023). The Implementation of Canvas to Enhance English Teaching and Learning. Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, 5(2), 191–196.



Canvas, LMS, English Teaching and Learning