Article contents
Impact of Krio Language on the Use of English as a Foreign Language: A Case Study of Senior Secondary Schools Pupils in Sierra Leone
Krio, like other pidgin languages, borrows lexical items from other languages to a greater extent from the English Language. These words “borrowing” and “usage” have resulted in some similarities in the phonological, morphological and syntactic structures of both Languages. These two languages are so linguistically related that the usage differences between them can hardly be realized. As a result, users of both languages unconsciously use Krio lexemes and structures in place of English. This interlanguage phonological, lexical, and syntactic transfer has an enormous impact on the correct use of written and spoken English by senior secondary school pupils. This research is therefore intended to investigate the impact of Krio on the written and spoken English Language of senior secondary school pupils and will also provide recommendations to remedy the situation. This study is of immense relevance to teachers of English, curriculum planners, government, and other education stakeholders as it helps them to identify the extent to which Krio impacts the use of English among pupils. It, therefore, guides them to plan and provide appropriate strategies as solutions to remedy the situation. The study investigates the ways in which Krio impacts the teaching and learning of English in senior secondary school and the extent to which it is being used in schools by pupils and teachers. The study further provides strategies for assessment of the English Language teaching methods used by the teachers of English, and thus gives relevant conclusions and recommendations based on the findings of the study an assessment of the English Language teaching methods used by the teachers of English, and thus gives the relevant conclusion and recommendations based on the findings of the study with the help of well-structured questionnaires, focus group discussions, interviews and personal observations. Forty pupils and eight teachers of English were selected for the study, and the findings showed that pupils’ written and spoken English are marred by incorrect and substandard usage principally as a result of the impact of Krio on the use of the English Language.
Article information
Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics
Volume (Issue)
4 (3)
Open access

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