Research Article

Investigating Factors Affecting the Implementation of Communicative Language Teaching in East Gojjam Zone Agricultural Technical and Vocational Educational Training Collages ESP Classrooms


  • Meseret Abebe (MA in TEFL), Mekdela Amba University, College of Social Scincies and Humanities, Departement of English Language and Literature


This study was designed to investigate the major factors affecting the implementation of communicative language teaching in East Gojjam Zone ATVET Colleges in ESP class room setting. Qualitative research design was used for this research. Participants of the study were work place communication Teachers of TEVT teachers and college academic vice deans from Mertule Mariam, Motta, Bichena and Debre Work ATVET colleges. The main data gathering tools were questionnaire, interview, and document analysis. The collected data were categorized and discussed using figures with a qualitative description below. The result of the study revealed that ESP course teachers in TVET confront with several factors in implementing communicative language teaching. It was emphasized that the absence of language teachers from TVET system, unable to prepare a CBLM nationally, shortage of giving on job language teaching training, TVET current language teaching policy from MOE related factors; lack of time ,heavy work load, lack of supervision from institutional related factors; deficiency in spoken English, lack of training in CLT, misconception about CLT, lack of experience in CBLM development from teachers related factors and low English proficiency, passive style of learning and resistance to participate in communicative activities were the major factors that challenge teachers in implementing CLT approach in ESP class room. Moreover, the study discovered that the work place communication CBLM activities were not prepared based on the common features of communicative activities. Thus, it is recommended that any concerned bodies like deans, teachers, students, MOE, industrial sectors that need TVET graduates, especially federal TVET Bureaue heads should cooperate each other and give immediate solution in the way that the implementation of communicative language teaching can improve in East Gojjam Zone agricultural, technical and vocational colleges.

Article information


Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics

Volume (Issue)

2 (1)





How to Cite

Abebe, M. . (2020). Investigating Factors Affecting the Implementation of Communicative Language Teaching in East Gojjam Zone Agricultural Technical and Vocational Educational Training Collages ESP Classrooms. Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics , 2(1), 29-53.







Facebook, social media, second language learning, textual analysis, social communication